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Summer Pet Care - National Humane Education Society

Summer activities are upon us from outdoor games and picnics to camping and beach vacations. When including your furry companion(s), please remember these important rules to help keep them safe amidst all of your fun in the sun.

Hydrate–make sure your pet has access to water. Consider adding ice cubes to water dishes or using deeper bowls to help keep the water cold. Monitor your pet for signs of dehydration such as lethargy, excessive panting, and loss of skin elasticity.

Shade–when planning your outings, make sure there is plenty of shade. Choose shadier routes when walking in the summertime, or walk during the early morning or late evening. Cats and dogs do not sweat like humans and can succumb to heatstroke quickly. Some signs of heatstroke include lethargy, loss of appetite, weakness, and distressed breathing. If you suspect your pet is suffering from heatstroke, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Flea/Tick Prevention–remember to apply flea and tick preventative monthly to help reduce the risk of flea or tick-transmitted diseases. Check your pets for ticks after being outdoors. Ignoring this vital routine may lead to serious conditions such as tapeworms or Lyme disease.

Traveling–never leave your pet unattended in a vehicle. The temperature inside your car can rise to dangerous levels in a matter of minutes. Keep your pet safe at home! Learn what to do if you see an animal in a hot car.

To learn more about ways to keep your pet safe during the summer months, download our free brochure here.

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One response to “Summer Pet Care”

  1. Pat Massey says:

    I work with our shelter/rescue (Pet Partners) here in Rawlins and I am going to copy this to hand out to everyone. Thank you for your message.

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