If you are a teacher or know a teacher, you are likely aware that public schools help their students master traditional subjects and all manner of life skills from healthy eating habits to effective interpersonal communication.
School Counselor Mary Brittingham holds a “shelter dog ambassador” at Blue Ridge Elementary in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Many teachers are likewise recognizing the benefits of helping children form responsible habits with animals early in life. Dogs, cats, and other companion animals are a major part of modern living. Many students have at least one animal in their homes, or regularly visit homes that do. When children learn about safety with pets, animal care, adoption, and spay and neuter, they are more likely to enjoy healthy relationships with animals throughout their lives. Also, educating future animal owners is instrumental in curbing animal overpopulation and cruelty. When we create a better generation of people, we will create better lives for animals now and in the future.
NHES offers free “Kindness In The Classroom” humane education presentations to schools across the U.S. to teach youth in the K-5 grade levels about animal welfare. NHES educators also distribute humane lesson plans for the classroom. If you are, or know an education professional interested in ideas to integrate humane education into the upcoming school year, please send us an email at education@nhes.org.
That’s a good idea to teach the kids about animal safety. I would think that having someone come to show them how to treat animals would be a fun way to do that. Hopefully, that would be educational and entertaining for them.
I am working on curriculum in the US Virgin Islands. I see you have a program Kindness in the Classroom.
Have you any materials I might be able to use?
Our plan is to have lessons for PreK, Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Hi Tanya! We will send you an email at the address you provided to give you more information!
am currently in moultrie georgia which has a humane society-drew new director….i was trying to help a small dog caught behind the fence in a school yard-and the school actually has a problem with it-will attend a school board meeting about the issue-in this community moultrie georgia colquitt county young adults and children think it is normal to have dogs fighting to the death to mate with even an old dog and not do anything about it-they think it is normal to tie a dog on a short chain with no shelter from the elements-think it is normal to leave an animal out in the cold-or even if they have seen many dogs cats hit out on the road in front of their home-to allow their own dogs with puppies to be right close to that same road-even though they have an anchor fence to put them behind.they think good pet ownership is having a dog tied to a coup -no walks to petting-no toys no humane interaction with the exception of food or water if someone actually remembers to do that and many animals ate just left in crates or chained to carriers with tarp… agreat need f or education in the community. please contact humane society of moultrie to co-oridinate or the colquitt county school district -moultrie ga-independently working with the ferals in the community-and are the only community that does not have a program trap spay neuter release-so i personally incur the cost myself with no support at all…..thank you for educating the children-teach your children well……come to mind
Hello! We would be happy to offer resources to help with humane education in your community. Please feel free to contact us here: https://www.nhes.org/contact-us/ so we can get more details. Though we are currently not traveling and visiting schools due to the pandemic, we would be happy to discuss how we can help virtually.
Hello! I am a psychologist working with animals in Romania. At the moment, I am in the process of creating a draft for a course about animal welfare for teachers. Do you have some tips and materials that might help ease the process? Thank you.
That is wonderful! Have you checked out our educational material resource page? https://www.nhes.org/order-materials/ We have free downloadable brochures on a variety of animal welfare topics. We also have an 85-page Teaching Kindness Handbook with many animal welfare activities for teachers to share with children/youth. Please email education2@nhes.org with any further questions! Thank you.
Hello , we are Atlas vegan community school from Uganda .its the first vegan practicing school in Uganda .
We need more resources to make our school sustainable and equipped.
Atlas vegan community school
Wow that is amazing! You can download and print any of our educational materials under Browse Our Materials https://www.nhes.org/order-materials/. I will send you an email about our Teaching Kindness Handbook that has humane lessons that you can modify to fit your needs. Have a beautiful day!