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Six Influential Vegetarians in History

1. Benjamin Franklin

Founding father Ben Franklin was a passionate vegetarian. In his memoirs, he stated that he became vegetarian at the age of sixteen.

2. Louisa May Alcott

Esteemed author of Little Women, this famous writer grew up in a vegetarian household and is a relative of William A. Alcott, founder of the American Vegetarian Society–the first vegetarian organization in the United States.

3. Mahatma Gandhi

Although the famous civil rights leader, activist, and author was born into a vegetarian family, he later committed to vegetarianism by choice because he believed that eating meat required violence toward animals.

4. Albert Einstein

The famous scientist did not become a vegetarian until the last few years of his life, but he is quoted as saying, “Nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

5. Nicola Tesla

This noted scientist whose scientific breakthroughs in electromagnetism and wireless radio communications changed the world slowly adopted a vegetarian diet over the course of his life.

6. Susan B. Anthony

Influential women’s suffragist and civil rights activist Susan B. Anthony was also a vegetarian and attended many events held by the American Vegetarian Society.

Anyone can make a difference in the lives of animals–including you!

NHES advocates a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle for both humane and health considerations. With over 10 billion land animals killed in America for food each year, every step we take to reduce or eliminate our consumption of animal products can reduce their suffering. Luckily, living a life free of animal products is easier now than ever before! A variety of great tasting meat substitutes, creative ideas in the kitchen, and familiar favorites like peanut butter sandwiches and beans and rice all make it easy to make cruelty-free choices.

By choosing vegetarianism, you will spare many animals the cruel rigors of factory farming and the inhumane conditions of the slaughter industry. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, you will discontinue your support of animal-exploiting industries to the furthest possible extent, including a rejection of leather, animal-tested cosmetics, and all other consumables that involve animal suffering. Embracing a vegan or vegetarian way of eating is a wonderful way to advocate for animals at every meal.

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