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Private Bookings for Sloth Encounters Lead to Push for Exotic Animal Ban in NY - National Humane Education Society

December 12, 2022

Paws Up!

To animal advocates and legislators in Suffolk County, New York, for supporting efforts to end animal exploitation for human enjoyment.

The lure of exotic animals and encounters with wildlife entice many individuals to spend money at establishments that exploit these beautiful creatures for profit. Thankfully, individuals and organizations are continually challenging the lack of laws and advocating for increased protections for these sentient creatures to help end this form of exploitation. These individuals who have chosen to be the voices for the animals have exposed the inhumane treatment of animals at circuses, roadside zoos, and other privately owned animal encounters.

As the public becomes aware of the cruelties inflicted on animals at these places, it has led some to cease using animals for human entertainment making tigers jumping through rings of fire and dancing bears at circuses a thing of the past. But we still have a long way to go to create a humane world for these animals.

Animal advocates in Suffolk County, New York, seek to ban exotic animals from being used for animal encounters. According to a recent news article, a bill was introduced after a business that acquired sloths for resale also offered private home visits for what they deemed “educational encounters.” The bill, known as Resolution 1777-2022, introduced by Legislators Trish Bergin (District 10), Jason Richberg (District 15), Bridget Fleming (District 2), Stephanie Bontempi (District 18), and Leslie Kennedy (District 12), would prohibit exotic animals from being used for profit. If passed, any individuals found guilty of violating this law would face a fine up to $2,500 for each offense.

Sloths make their homes in trees in tropical environments. Their diet consists of leaves, and they sleep most of the day. These unique, unhurried long-nailed creatures with smiling faces and quiet dispositions enthrall many. But sloths are wild animals and deserve to live in their natural habitat, not in a human’s home.

Take Action: Unfortunately, Resolution 1777 was tabled before receiving any votes. Residents in Suffolk County, NY, you can make a difference in the lives of animals exploited for human entertainment by contacting your legislator today and asking them to reintroduce a bill similar to Resolution 1777. 

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One response to “Private Bookings for Sloth Encounters Lead to Push for Exotic Animal Ban in NY”

  1. Joan Carol Welte says:

    Please stop this immediately. Leave the animals alone and in their habitat. This is not fair, inhumane, and I find it disgraceful that this is being done to make money at the expense of the animals. Thank you for listening. It is most appreciated, and I hope that you will act accordingly and do the RIGHT thing for the animals and not for PROFIT.

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