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California Signs Off On New Spay and Neuter Certification Program - National Humane Education Society

October 10th, 2024

Paws Up! To California’s governor for signing SB 1233 to authorize new high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter certification programs at California veterinary colleges.

The challenge of finding affordable spay and neuter services in California may lessen soon thanks to this new piece of legislation! On 9/26/24, California’s Governor Newsom signed SB1233 to establish the right of California veterinary schools to offer high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter certification programs. This program will be offered to current veterinary students as well as previously graduated veterinarians. These educational opportunities could encourage more low-cost and no-cost clinics to establish themselves in California, where they can also benefit from the state’s new animal welfare grant program, the Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund.

The text of SB1233 includes guidelines for the location and coursework for the programs, as well as standards of quality care for the animals. In addition, the bill ensures that spay and neuter services can be accessed at low or no-cost by individuals who participate in the program, helping those in need while the veterinarians of the next generation receive their training. Lastly, the participating veterinary colleges will be required to publish a triannual progress report to have transparency about the program’s scale and cost.

Tragically, millions of innocent animals each year face the harsh realities that come from living in a population that outpaces the homes available. Along with rescuing them from these circumstances, spaying and neutering is a humane way to address the issue of domestic animal overpopulation. Programs that provide low-cost services can be particularly effective, like NHES’s own program called “Spay-Today”. We at The National Humane Education Society applaud Governor Newsom for standing up for responsible stewardship of the animal community, and we look forward to seeing the future results of SB1233.

Take Action: Contact Governor Gavin Newsom to Thank Him for Signing SB1233!

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