Paws Up!
To Maryland Senator Ron Young (D-District 3) for introducing Senate Bill 90 that would give students alternatives to classroom animal dissection.
Countless numbers of animals are killed each year in the name of science. These needless deaths occur even now despite modern technology. Students forced to dissect once-living animals may experience associated guilt and despair into adulthood. Why in the 21st century do we continue these inhumane and dated practices? According to the National Anti-Vivisection Association (NAVA), students who have been given the choice to use humane alternatives to animal dissection do as well, if not better than, students who use animals.
According to a recent news article, Senator Ron Young has introduced legislation that would give students in both public and private schools the right to opt out of classroom animal dissection. Senate Bill 90 would give students humane alternatives to animal dissection.
To learn more about the inhumane act of animal dissection and experimentation, please download our free brochure.
Take Action: Maryland residents, contact your legislator and show your support for a more humane way for students to learn about animal anatomy. Other residents, support similar legislation in your area.